toukokuuta 11, 2014

Valaan viesti

2013 heinäkuussa, kaskelotti (valas) oli ajautunut Alankomaissa rantaan. Valas yritettiin pelastaa, mutta turhaan. Sen maha oli täynnä muovia.

2013 maaliskuussa, kymmenen metrinen kaskelotti ajautui Espanjan etelärannikolle.
Tämä valas oli niellyt 59:sää erityyppistä muovia, ja sitä löytyi sen mahasta yli 16 kiloa.
~Muovikasa sisälsi lähinnä, läpinäkyvää kalvoa, muovikasseja, köyttä, spraypullon ja pari kukkaruukkua.~

Vuonna 1989 Lavezzi saarilla, kaskelotti kuoli vahingossa syötyään muovipusseja, sekä yli 30 metriä muovilevyä.
Vuonna 1990 Islannissa, kaskelotti kuoli suolitukokseen, syynä meren pohjan muovit ja roskat.

2010 huhtikuussa, West Seattlen rannasta löydetyn kuolleen harmaa valaan mahan sisältö oli enemmän kuin järkyttävä: yli 20 muovipussia, pieniä pyyhkeitä, kirurgisia käsineitä, muovin palasia, ilmastointiteippiä, parit verkkarit, ja golfpallon. Puhumattakaan muista roskista, mitä sieltä löytyi. Järkyttävää.
Tässä on siis vain murto-osa kyseisistä uutisista, mutta toivottavasti tarpeeksi saamaan ihmiset tajuamaan tämän ongelman. 
Jälleen yksi asia, mikä on fucked up! Sekä ihmisen vika. 
Kaikki pitäisi kierrättää, jotta ne ei joudu luontoon. Ja muutenkin välttää muovia, niin paljon kuin mahdollista. 

Kaikki ei toki kierrätä, mutta siinä menee jo raja, että heittää kaiken ton paskan mereen? Tai ylipäätään luontoon. Äly hoi älä jätä. Mikä ihmisiä vaivaa?

Ota opiksi, roskaaminen ei ole vain tuhoa luonnolle, myös eläimille. Ja ennemmin tai myöhemmin, myös ihmiselle. Joten älä roskaa, vaan kierrätä.
s attempted, but unfortunately the whale died. A young adult at 13.5 meters was taken for a necropsy at the port of Harlington. The sperm whale had plastic in its stomach, an increasing common phenomenon say researchers a Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/10/gray-whale-dies-bringing-us-a-message-with-stomach-full-of-plastic-trash.html
July 29, 2013, a sperm whale was stranded on Tershelling, a northern island in the Netherlands. A rescue attempt was attempted, but unfortunately the whale died. A young adult at 13.5 meters was taken for a necropsy at the port of Harlington. The sperm whale had plastic in its stomach, an increasing common phenomenon say researchers at the Biodiversity Centre Naturalis. In March of this year, a 10 meter long sperm whale washed up on Spain’s South Coast. This whale had swallowed 59 different plastic items totaling over 37 pounds. Most of this plastic consisted of transparent sheeting used to build greenhouses in Almeria and Grenada for the purpose of tomatoes for the European market. The rest was plastic bags, nine meters of rope, two stretches of hosepipe, two small flower pots, and a plastic spray canister. Cause of death was intestinal blockage.These are not uncommon incidents. In 1989, a stranded sperm whale in the Lavezzi Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea died of a stomach obstruction after accidentally ingesting plastic bags and 100 feet of plastic sheeting. In 1990, a sperm whale examined for pathology in Iceland died of an obstruction of the gut with plastic marine debris. In August of 2008, a sperm whale washed up in Point Reyes, California with 450 pounds of fishing net, rope, and plastic bags in its stomach. The California Marine Mammal Stranding Database tells of another sperm whale stranded in 2008 with stomach contents that included an extensive amount of netting from discarded fishing gear. Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/10/gray-whale-dies-bringing-us-a-message-with-stomach-full-of-plastic-trash.html
July 29, 2013, a sperm whale was stranded on Tershelling, a northern island in the Netherlands. A rescue attempt was attempted, but unfortunately the whale died. A young adult at 13.5 meters was taken for a necropsy at the port of Harlington. The sperm whale had plastic in its stomach, an increasing common phenomenon say researchers at the Biodiversity Centre Naturalis. In March of this year, a 10 meter long sperm whale washed up on Spain’s South Coast. This whale had swallowed 59 different plastic items totaling over 37 pounds. Most of this plastic consisted of transparent sheeting used to build greenhouses in Almeria and Grenada for the purpose of tomatoes for the European market. The rest was plastic bags, nine meters of rope, two stretches of hosepipe, two small flower pots, and a plastic spray canister. Cause of death was intestinal blockage.These are not uncommon incidents. In 1989, a stranded sperm whale in the Lavezzi Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea died of a stomach obstruction after accidentally ingesting plastic bags and 100 feet of plastic sheeting. In 1990, a sperm whale examined for pathology in Iceland died of an obstruction of the gut with plastic marine debris. In August of 2008, a sperm whale washed up in Point Reyes, California with 450 pounds of fishing net, rope, and plastic bags in its stomach. The California Marine Mammal Stranding Database tells of another sperm whale stranded in 2008 with stomach contents that included an extensive amount of netting from discarded fishing gear. Read More: http://www.whydontyoutrythis.com/2013/10/gray-whale-dies-bringing-us-a-message-with-stomach-full-of-plastic-trash.html

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